In recent years, several very upsetting stories of sexual assault by highly regarded international teachers have hit the swing dance scene. The Collegiate Shag family is lovely, and we share a responsibility for keeping it that way and supporting our fellow dancers. Bullying of any sort - whether sexual, physical, or emotional will not be tolerated. 

At Shag Pile we promise:

  • Not to hire teachers with a history of unacceptable behaviour.

  • To treat everyone attending our classes with respect.

  • To eject anyone acting in an unacceptable manner.

  • To listen to everybody’s concerns and to act appropriately.

  • To treat all messages seriously and in the strictest confidence.

  • To respond to your suggestions.

In return, we would ask people attending our events to please:

  • Consider the impact your behaviour (whether deliberate or accidental) can have on others.
    Be aware of your fellow dancers’ comfort, and consider what you can do to keep things lovely.

  • Speak up if someone makes you uncomfortable, for whatever reason.
    One testimony can help prevent others from suffering.

  • Listen seriously if someone tells you something, and act appropriately.
    If you don’t know what to do, ask someone else.

  • Pay attention. If you see or hear something that doesn't seem quite right, talk to someone.

  • Don’t let someone’s aura of ‘status’ or ‘seniority’ affect your decision-making.
    If a teacher does something bad, speak up.

  • Consider your choice of words and who you are talking to when asking for a dance.
    Shag lends itself to innuendo which may not be funny to everyone.

On refusing a dance:

  • In general, refusing a dance without good reason can be hurtful, so be generous with your dances, especially with beginners.

  • However, if someone makes you uncomfortable, you don’t have to dance with them, and you don’t have to give a reason why.

  • A simple 'No thank you' should suffice.

  • If you're in class and you don't want to dance with someone in rotation, this is a sign that the issue should be confronted ASAP.
    Step out of rotation, and let us know your feelings in a break.

  • If someone says ‘no’ to you, respect that decision and consider what you can do to make them feel more at ease.

  • For example, some people prefer not to dance up close and personal – this is an acceptable choice, so find a distance which is comfortable for both of you, or stop dancing.